Recent BCCAG Actions
14 Dec Westpac Bank AGM.:- Market forces are planning an action at the Westpac AGM. These are a good way to get the message to the bank's board and shareholders that we need them to stop financing fossil fuel expansion. Since 2016 the big four Australian banks have lent over $44 billion dollars to fossil fuel projects!
If you would like to take part in the Westpac action, more information and registration is at:-
Market Forces Westpac AGM RSVP.
Andrew Cox
Dec 5, 2022, 3:20 PM (10 days ago)
to andrewcoxe, bcc: me
Hello BCCAG Active people.
Hope you are well and looking forward to a break perhaps. There are a couple of actions planned for December you might be interested in.
14 Dec Westpac Bank AGM.:- Market forces are planning an action at the Westpac AGM. These are a good way to get the message to the bank's board and shareholders that we need them to stop financing fossil fuel expansion. Since 2016 the big four Australian banks have lent over $44 billion dollars to fossil fuel projects!
If you would like to take part in the Westpac action, more information and registration is at:-
Market Forces Westpac AGM RSVP.
15 Dec. 1 - 2pm On Line NAB AGM Rally.:- If you can't make it on the 16th in person to the NAB AGM there is still something you can do. Join in on this On Line rally being organised by Move Beyond Coal. This is a good way to put pressure on NAB executives to drop Whtehaven expansion plans and take thier climate commitments seriously. For more information and to RSVP:-
Move Beyond Coal NAB AGM on line rally link
Ross McKewan - NAB CEO bumps into Move Beyond Coal people last week in Melbourne.
16 Dec. 8:30am NAB AGM:- The NAB AGM is on the 16th Dec and Move Beyond Coal Melbourne is welcoming shareholders to the meeting with a reminder to stop financing Whitehaven Coal.
More information and RSVP to:-
MoveBeyondCoal NAB AGM welcome shareholders.
There will be speakers, flyers to give to shareholders and the Climate Chior will be performing.
If you would like to travel in to the City with BCCAG folks, we will be in the front carriage of the 7:44am Sandringham train.
The appeal by Santos in the Federal Court that we attended with the Tiwi people has been lost! The project will now have to be reassessed by Santos and will cause major cost and delay. This is a good outcome for the Tiwi people and will set back one of the dirtiest gas projects to be proposed.
Support for TIWI Islands outside High Court in Melbourne - SANTOS lost their appeal